Toilet Facilities in Vanni Area
The Need
Families in certain rural areas of the Vanni area don't have basic needs like water supply and toilet facilities. These are mainly displaced families which didn't have a piece of land of their own. Now the government has allocated them a piece of land but they need to have access to water supply and toilet facilities. There are actually hundreds of families without toilet facilities and the need is very critical to the well being of these families.
The Solution
We will start to build toilets for these families, one at a time. Each toilet costs $1,000 and we would start in the Kankankulam Grama Niladari (Village) Division of Cheddikulam Divisional secretariat of Vavuniya District. We hope to complete one hundred such facilities over the next year.
Cost of each toilet facility $1,000
Funds needed for 100 such facility $100,000
Project Impact
Direct Impact
Sustainable Development
Indirect Impact