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திட்ட விண்ணப்பங்களை மதிப்பாய்வு செய்யவும் | திட்ட பங்காளிகளுடன் ஒத்துழைக்கவும் | வளங்களை நிர்வகிக்கவும்
IMHO Canada became a registered charitable organization in Canada effective March 30, 2012, and as such is able to issue official tax receipts for all donations received.
Our long name: International Medical Health Organization Canada
Our short (alternate) name registered with the CRA: IMHO Canada
Our charitable Registration Number is: 84419-1494-RR0001
Tax receipts are mailed via Canada Post to donors’ street addresses on a quarterly basis. Per Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) guidelines, all donations received in a given year, will be mailed to the donors’ street address or email address before February 28 of the following year.
In partnering with Canada Helps, United Way, the Canadian Online Giving Foundation, and with all our donors, we agree that donated funds will be used exclusively for charitable purposes and will not be used to:
Confer a personal benefit upon any individual who is not an appropriate beneficiary of our charitable programs;
Fulfill a pre-existing legally binding pledge or other financial obligation;
Purchase tickets to a benefit, or goods at a charitable auction;
Be used to pay dues or membership fees or other goods or services;
Be used for lobbying, political contributions, or political campaigns